30 July 2012

The Economist

The Economist is an English-language weekly news and international affairs publication owned by The Economist Newspaper Ltd. and edited in offices in London..Continuous publication began under founder James Wilson in September 1843. For historical reasons The Economist refers to itself as a newspaper, but each print edition appears on small glossy paper like a news magazine, and its YouTube channel is called Economist Magazine In 2006, its average weekly circulation was reported to be 1.5 million, about half of which were sold in the United States.
(Source :Wikipedia)
ASB Library subscribe  both print and online subscriptions of The Economist.

23 July 2012

Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers

Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers is a quarterly publication of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India. Its objective is to disseminate concepts of professional management and contribute to a better understanding of the context, resources, structures, systems, processes, and performance of organizations.(Source :www.vikalpa.com)

18 July 2012

EBSCO Business Source Elite

This business database provides full text for over 1,000 business publications. The rich collection of titles in Business Source Elite provides information dating back to 1985. More than 10,100 substantial company profiles from Datamonitor are also included. This database is updated on a daily basis via EBSCOhost. Following links provide the  latest information.

Other Sources (Conference Proceedings Collection, Country Report, etc.)

13 July 2012

16 Creative Ways to Use Twitter for Business

Is your Twitter activity feeling stale?The good news is that you can easily revitalize your Twitter experience!Here are 16 ways to bring new life and renewed business purpose to your Twitter efforts.

What are the 10 Secret Benefits of Blogging?

Just about everyone is a blogger these days whether they realize it or not.If you write something on Facebook and receive comments and feedback then you are a blogger.Tweet a short sentence of 140 characters on Twitter and you are a micro blogger.Upload a video to YouTube where you can obtain subscribers and elicit comments, then you are a video blogger...
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10 July 2012


Dataquest is India's oldest IT publication. A fortnightly, Dataquest is published by Cyber Media India Ltd, South Asia's largest specialty media group. The magazine targets senior IT managers in user organizations as well as the IT industry professionals in India.Dataquest has grown with the Indian IT industry from its infancy and has championed many causes. It was one of the first publications to champion energy/green issues and the application of IT in governance.

Yojana magazine

Yojana is a monthly devoted to socio-economic issues and started its publication in 1957 by  Publications  Division ,Ministry of Information & Broadcasting,Govt. of India.The magazine is now published in 13 languages viz. English, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Assamese, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and Oriya.
All archival issues of Yojana now available on-line.

Seminar magazine

Seminar magazine an Indian Magazine attempts a departure from the usual type  journals.  Each issue deals with a single problem. Those who hold different and at times opposing viewpoints express their thoughts.  The credo of the magazine is ‘to reflect through free discussion, every shade of Indian thought and aspiration...to gather the facts and ideas of this age and to help thinking people arrive at a certain degree of cohesion and clarity in facing the problems of economics, of politics, of culture.’

Print Journals In the Library